It is matter of privilege to grab this opportunity to express my views and to intract with the young and innovative minds. This is indeed the time of both celebration and introspection. It is an accepted truth that the children are the Builders of a Nation. But before they Build a nation, they have to build themselves mentally and physically. Building a nation is a mammoth and difficult task and therefore what they have to do is to build themselves in four different dimensions. I do feel that Public Schools in India have a very valuable role to play in training for leadership and also in some ways in cutting across the barrier of language, caste, colour, creed and religion. So,children awake,arise and move to the path laid out by the great souls 'Rishis' and 'Mahatmas' towards your cherished goals.May God bless you with good mind,body and soul !
(Mr. Syed Ejaz Ahmed)
D.A.V.Cent. Public School (Lodna)